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Let's Travel the World Together!


Updated: Aug 28, 2023

Welcome to My Blog!

Let's Travel the World Together!

I am so excited to launch my blog! Whether you just started following me, or we have been connected for a while, I am super excited to get to acquainted with you and for you to get to know me.

Travel Made an Early Impression on Me

I was born in Northeast Ohio and went on my first “overseas” trip to… Canada! We traveled about 3 hours to arrive in Niagara Falls and everything about the Falls. We saw the Maid of the Mist, read the history of those that attempted to ride in a barrel over the falls and ate in the Skylon Tower, just to mention a few. And while it was not that far, and some may not consider it “overseas” because Canada shares a northern border with the United States, it opened my eyes to the world. I saw everything as a possibility.

In high school, I was selected for a biology trip to the Bahamas. I studied marine biology. I lived and breathed the air, animals, and food. Wow! There was more to see in this world, and I wanted to be a part of it.

The earth and sand from these two trips ran in my blood. I had to see and do more. To taste the cuisine, learn the languages of those in the countries we were visiting, and to not only listen to the music, but feel it inside.

The Middle Years

From High School until I retired from the military, which is about thirty years, I continued to travel. Sometimes travel was with the military and sometimes it was not. While it was not always the places people wanted to travel to, I soaked up all I could during these trips. A life-longer learner of the world, I crave an understanding of the world around me and those that live there. To experience the world through the five senses changes your soul and alters how you see the world. I feel this is a gift that has been bestowed upon me. It is these experiences of selfless service and love of travel that took me into my current season.

During this time, I met my husband and best friend. He loves to travel and while, maybe not as adventurous as me, is on board for all our expeditions. We adopted our two children from around the world and they made us parents. They have a variety of special needs, which has been their own experience with daily trials, we continue to learn how best to support them. Listen – sometimes it’s an hourly trial, but we preserve. They are warriors and have wins every day.

The Current Season

Loving to travel is exciting by itself. But to be a fabulous travel advisor, I had to have more skills besides a love of travel. I learned so much through the army that I have applied to my current season. The ability to research, to build teams and to interact with clients and others is critical. If I did not, I would have been a failure. And when I say research, I am not talking “Google”. Listen friends, it is more than that.

After a few years, I started to travel within the luxury market. Luxury means something different to everyone. This could mean suites, this could mean luxury ships, or luxury service, or all three and more. It has been very different. And it must be said that once you start doing this, you cannot go back! I know craft luxury vacations so they too can have a white glove experience.

I have completed a variety of training and certifications for special needs travel. I wrote a book for parents with children with special needs. This will help them when it is time to travel. The title is “Travel Is Possible”. You can find this on Amazon at:

If you do not have a child with special needs, the tips apply to neurotypical children as well. The tips are fantastic and are organized by each travel mode.

What is Next?

I hope you continue to read my blogs. I will have a new post published for you every Thursday at 6 PM! Wow! I better get writing. Also, please follow me at: @IamJeniferBreaux on both Facebook and Instagram, and you can also follow my travel concierge business pages @JBTravelPros on both Facebook and Instagram.

I have an event that I can't wait to tell you about coming up in the fall and a new travel book to be published soon, too.

Thank you for reading my first blog. I appreciate all of you!

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